How to Start a Peacemaker Committee

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How to Start a Peacemaker Committee in Your Club

What is a Rotary Peacemaker Committee?
A Rotary Peacemaker Committee is a group of Rotarians who have come together to work towards furthering both the message and the cause of peace.
What is its Purpose?
The primary purpose of the committee is to reach out to our young people, and adults alike, to raise their level of understanding regarding the importance of establishing peace in our everyday lives.  It is through peace within ourselves, our families, and our communities that we can spread peace throughout the world.
What is its Vision?
The Peacemaker Committee envisions that all Rotarians will become peacemakers themselves and that, through us, there will be a more peaceful and harmonious world.
What is its mission?
The primary mission of the Peacemakers Committee is to develop "peace through understanding" throughout Rotary and throughout the world.
The Annual Peacemaker Video Contest: There are two basic ways to promote and implement a Peacemaker Video Contest.  The first is to have your Peacemaker Committee reach out to schools and students in your area and conduct the contest on your own.  The second is to find a strategic partner to work with, such as a public access television station or a local broadcasting company.

Your committee could always decide to open the contest to kids outside of the schools; however, it is felt that a great deal of control and organization can be lost with that approach. Your goal is to set the guidelines, receive the submissions, judge the entries and select the winners. The simpler that process is the easier it will be for your committee to accomplish its goals and objectives with the video contest.

You can also invite the winning teams of students, parents and teachers to one of your Rotary meetings and give them special awards and recognition at that time. Your club can show the winning videos at that meeting. In Honolulu, it is our biggest event of the year. Rotarians, kids, parents and teachers absolutely love our annual Peacemaker Video Awards Luncheon.